♥ “When a moon hits your eye…” ♥

Let's Go to Italy Together!

“…like a big pizza pie…”

Photo by Victoria De Maio♥ “That’s amore! ♥

When the world seems to shine like you’ve had too much wine
That’s amore!”

Click on any photo for a virtual look!

“Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
And you’ll sing ‘Vita bella’
Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay
Like a gay tarantella…”

Click on any photo for a virtual look!

“… When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
You’re in love
When you walk in a dream but you know you’re not dreaming signore
Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Napoli
That’s amore!”

-Jack Brooks & Harry Warren, Songwriters

Click on any photo for a virtual look!

Let's Go to Italy Together!

~“Grab a slice of pizza…You know as well as I do that a great slice of pizza is like great sex. It’s hot, it’s saucy, it’s frickin’ gooey and makes you sweat.~

-Michael Koh

Even though National Pizza Month isn’t until October, that’s no reason to not appreciate just about everyone’s favorite food now! Did you know that 93% of the population eats pizza? (Who the heck are those other 7%? No one I know!)

And did you know that there is a mathematical theorem named after pizza?  It’s called the Pizza theorem. (Sorry, beer or wine are not in the equation, but they should be!)

Let's Go to Italy Together!~ “Pizza is like the entire food pyramid!” ~
– Madeline Oles

Click on any photo for a virtual look!

Let's Go to Italy Together!

~ “My love is pizza shaped. Won’t you have a slice? It’s circular, so there’s enough to go around.
” ~

-Dora J. Arod

So many sweet memories are associated with food. And many of mine are associated with pizza…

Photo by Victoria De Maio
Daddy checking the pizza crust – always perfect!

I’ve always LOVED pizza. My father used to make his every Christmas eve and it was the best! Making the dough in the morning, he would be busy all evening making and proudly serving his pizza.  Simple, thin crust, minimal toppings…

We would eat until we almost burst and then have it cold for breakfast the next morning…Yes, it was that good!

Photo - Victoria De Maio
My parents enjoying the best pizza ever!

I regret that I never learned his technique but there’s no doubt that he set the standard by which I have always compared every bite of pizza since (and very few have measured up).

Now, I love making pizza and enjoying with friends. Since I started leading tours in Puglia with Cook in Puglia, we make pizza together and it is absolutely the best fun!

Aprons on and hands on, kneading and rolling out the dough, choosing our toppings and enjoying each others creations with fabulous local vino… what could be more delightful and delicious?

Let's Go to Italy Together!Any time, any where, there’s nothing like a big pizza pie to bring friends together!

♥ Si, that’s amore! ♥Photo by Victoria De Maio

Let's Go to Italy Together!

Graphic Copyright Victoria De Maio

Let’s make pizza (and more) together in Puglia!

Join us in 2016:

Check Out All of the Fabulous Highlights!

Spring: May 27 – June 5

Fall: October 7 – 16

 More Exciting Experiences in Tuscany and the Italian Riviera!Let's Go to Italy Together!

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10 thoughts on “♥ “When a moon hits your eye…” ♥”

  1. Great post Victoria! I love all the photos…That first photo of the pizza is fantastic!Great memories in Puglia. I am so glad I was there! One of the highlights of 2015 in Italy for me!

  2. Lovely photos Victoria and priceless ones of your parents! I have to admit I don’t eat pizza except when I am in Italy. May as well wait for the best! All the more reason to look forward to Puglia in October!

    • Paula,

      Grazie! I love those photos, too. How I wish I had one of us all together but the memories will have to do.
      The best pizza is definitely in Italy. Hard to find anything that comes close so the wait is worth it!
      Can’t wait to roll out some dough together in fall. 😀

  3. Great fun Victoria! I’m a big pizza fan, especially the Roman one with the ultra thin crust. Love the photos. Now I’m hungry and it’s all your fault!! 🙂

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