Mozzafiato! Beauty that Takes Our Breath Away!

“La bellezza salverà il mondo.”
(“Beauty will save the world.”)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

When I first saw this quote, I was standing in the stupendous Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa. I had been years before but returning now took on a whole new meaning. The sheer scale and majesty of this Piazzawell, I have no words…that’s mozzafiato!

Pisa  Beauty Italy
“Beauty will save the world.”

-> Please wait for the slideshow of this spectacular Piazza dei Miracoli – yes there’s more than just the Leaning Tower in Pisa!

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That visit, the quote, other experiences before and since, and the discovery of a new word – mozzafiato! – inspired me and my world!

Will beauty save the world?
I can’t speak for the world but I can say that it is saving me! Hmmm… What could I possibly mean by that?? The world, from all outward appearances and depending on your viewpoint, can seem to be in a bit of a mess, some days it may feel like a hopeless mess…. Need I expound on the obvious dramatic headlines and soundbites? Not exactly what we would consider sources of “beauty”

And, now a “new year” which initially bore a déjà vu familiarity to the “old year”…with still another dramatic surge in this damn COVID thing, dampening optimism and asking ourselves if the variants will just keep on coming? *

So, what to do? Well last year, in virtual lockdown, it was a waiting game.  This January, being particularly quiet (not to mention a bit of post-holiday blues), almost felt like another version of lockdown making it a good time to reflect (and did so in a previous blog post) and recharge…and the result was the decision to take a deeper dive into what I love about being here and to move forward with that passion…

So, with crisp, brisk days and clear blue skies beckoning me to get outside (albeit bundled up) and the holiday crowds gone… What to do??? Hello!? I’m in Florence! Immerse in beauty! The beauty of this place!

I LOVE Museums
I was reminded of my love of art and museums…

As I have continued to participate in several enriching weekly art history zoom/ presentations, they, too, have been sources of inspiration. And then I was reminded that this was a huge part of why I am here…to have the privilege of being able to visit at my leisure and just revel in all of this breathtaking beauty…some of the most splendid art in the world! Mozzafiato, indeed!

So, throughout January and spilling over into February, back I went with new appreciative eyes. I revisited some, enjoyed a few new gems and felt particularly privileged to be able to visit special exhibits. I dove in and now I’m sharing snippets with you!

♦ Let’s start with The Bargello

Beauty at the Bargello
Beauty at the Bargello

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With a very special exhibit showcasing Benozzo Gozzoli’s frescoes from the Magi Chapel, I couldn’t wait to revisit Palazzo Medici Riccardi

Palazzo Medici Riccardi
The elegant Palazzo Medici Riccardi
Palazzo Medici Riccardi
A very special exhibit at Palazzo Medici Riccardi

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And more Medici at a new museum to meMuseo de’Medici featuring a special exhibit “Medicea Maniera” of exquisite handmade costumes of the 15th-17th centuries…

Museo de'Medici
Enter the world of the Medici …
Museo de'Medici
A portrait of Eleonora di Toledo (wife of Cosimo I) and a copy of one of her dresses!
Museo de'Medici
The fabrics, the detail..stunning!
Museo de'Medici
Ladies of the day and their luxurious lifestyle…

I typically visit museums and sacred sites solo. I love to linger and just get lost in my own experience because I feel that art (like movies, books, food, etc.) is very personal.

♦ After an art history zoom about Fra Angelico, I returned to the Museum of San Marco which is where he lived and painted sacred paintings and frescoes that are so glorious…I really have no words.

And, let me add that I do not consider myself “religious” but I am spiritual and these works truly touched my heart and soul…
Museum of San Marco - Fra Angelico
Museum of San Marco – The Annunication by Fra Angelico – the wings sparkle!
Museum of San Marco - Fra Angelico
Museum of San Marco – Illuminated Books
Museum of San Marco - Fra Angelico
Museum of San Marco by Fra Angelico: The Annuncation (fresco) and Deposition of Christ (painting on wood)

Returning to the Basilica of Santa Croce especially to see an incredible installation dedicated to Dante but also to revisit masterpieces as well as the tombs of celebrated masters and luminaries (e.g., Michelangelo, Galileo, Machiavelli , Marconi and many others).

Basilica of Santa Croce
The glorious Basilica of Santa Croce

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Returning to the Museo degli Innocenti was very special. It’s a particularly moving experience. (Read more on my blog...)

Museo degli Innocenti
Museo degli Innocenti

My most recent visit took me back to the iconic Duomo of Florence…Santa Maria del Fiore. And it took me to new heights…literally!

View from the Duomo Terrace
This view! Mozzafiato indeed!

Climbing 150 steps to the Duomo’s Terrace on a perfect day! Just WOW!!!

View from Duomo's Terrace
These views!!!
View from Duomo's Terrace
Views of the Baptistery…
View from Duomo's Terrace
The majestic scale is impossible to relate…

It’s impossible to encapsulate all of this beauty in a single blog post…nor would I even try! But my hope is that, by sharing you might be inspired to dive deeper, too!

Beauty Will Save Us!
Let’s enjoy this beauty together!

♦ Let me know your thoughts! I do love to hear from you! And, of course, when you are ready to immerse in the marvelous breadth and depth of the Italian culture…I’m here for you!

♦ Read more about:

♥ Museums I LOVE!

*Thankfully, much has changed and is trending very positively as I type!

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